The Sweetest Part

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Morning Frenzy!!

This morning was not the best of mornings! After all, I was about to call out the National Guard:) Ok, maybe not that drastic but close.

This morning I woke to find my husband gone and kids in the high chairs. So of course I figure that Chris has gone to grab bacon as ahe often does on his days off. That man LOVES his breakfast! Even if they are a heart attack waiting to happen. Well needless to say, two hours later, I was in quite the frenzy wondering where my husband was. Is he ok? Did he get pulled over? Whats going on! After a phone call to the sherrif and police department, I discover that no accidents have been reported this wonderful Thursday morning.

No before you judge me too thoroughly on my efforts to figure out where my hubby was, lets remember who my parents are. Sue Williams - pretty relaxed. Doesn't get worked up easily over anything really. Unless it concerns the grand-babies. Bob Williams - Lovingly known as Captain Safety. Once in RI, my mom was gone a lot longer than she should of been and he did the same thing! We are just being thorough after-all. So I think its safe to say that I come by this worry habit honestly.

To redeem myself, I stopped to have one semi-rational thought that included my husband mentioning to donate today. So I call the blood place and they told me he had checked in there(this is confidential of course as they are not supposed to do that:) After explaining that I was about to lose my mind with worry, she graciously told me:)

Now while he wasn't doing anything wrong, I would of loved to know he was even gone! The kids were in their high chairs and I was sleeping; awoken to crying children and a missing husband! Knowing his thinking was to get it out of the way early to have more time with me and the kids allows me to be understanding of it all. Even though I may have sprouted a few grays hairs in my 2 hour ordeal.

So word to the wise men, don't leave and be gone for hours without letting your wife know. You might come home to a wife dead after heart attack:)

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